
“My youngest daughter, has attended preschool at Little Learners Preschool and it has been one of the best preschool experiences that my husband and I have had. I have seen how much time and energy Miss April puts into preparing for her preschool lessons and activities. My daughter always lights up when she knows its a preschool day and always talks about what she is learning in preschool. I have personally observed how April is able to teach the children while also making learning fun. I know that when I drop my daughter off with Miss April she is in a safe, structured and loving environment.”

“Miss April is highly professional and easily recognizes children’s special needs, both academic and emotional. She has patiently taught my son to overcome his fear of glue! She also took note of his favorite book off a Facebook post, and made sure to have that book available to him on his first day of class. Miss April does a wonderful job of effectively communicating with parents. She is able to completely address all concerns that are brought to her attention and help parents feel more comfortable with their children’s preschool experience.  Miss April is able to keep her classroom organized and the students under control while still making the atmosphere fun and exciting every day."

"My son loved having Ms. April as his teacher. She is kind, knowledgeable, and loves the kids. Her space is organized and clean. My son especially loved baking with his class. I would highly recommend Little Learners Preschool!"

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